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设计承揽合同 委托方(甲方): 承接方(乙方): 第一条 甲方委托乙方承担_____________项目的______________________专业设计,经双方协商一致,签订本协议。 第二条 乙方设计标准为:______________________________________________,乙方在设计完成后,需经甲方书面确认,方可认为成果交付,如未得到甲方书面确认的,均不视为成果交付。 第三条 甲方向乙方交付的资料 序号 资料及文件名称 份数 提交日期 有关事宜  1      2      3      4      5   


篇一:工程承揽合同样本 工程承揽合同 甲方: 乙方: 经甲乙双方友好协商,甲方同意将xx工程的xx施工项目交由乙方负责施工。根据《中华人民共和国合同法》和《建筑安装工程承包合同条例》的规定,结合本工程具体情况双方达成以下协议: 一. 工程概况 1. 工程名称: 2. 工程地点: 3. 承包范围: 4. 承包方式:包工、包料、包费用 5. 工期:按照甲方书面通知乙方开工进场之日起个日历天。 6. 工程质量:本工程为合格工程(具体要求详见第三条) 二. 合同单价和付款方式 1. 合同单价: 2、实际结算价款以甲乙双方签字确认的工程量乘以单价为准。以上价格包括含税价,材料及其运输费,人工费,装卸费,设备费等一切费用。合同价款一经确定,不作任何调整。 4、该项目合同约定的款项由有限公司按照本合同约定支付,项目的发票及合格证开具给有限公司。乙方应向甲方提供税务部门认可的正规票据,如乙方提供假票据则应赔偿甲方所有损失及承担一切法律责任。 三.技术要求和质量标准 四.违约责任和安全责任 1.因乙方原因逾期竣工,每逾期一天,乙方支付给甲方合同价款1%的违约金。 乙方质量标准达不到甲方要求则乙方承担合同价款的10%违约金支付给甲方,并承担由此对甲方造成的一切经济损失。 2.乙方应遵守工程建设安全生产有关管理规定,严格按安全标准组织施工,并随时接受行业安全监察人员依法实施的监督监察。乙方必须采取必要的安全防护措施,消除事故隐患,由于乙方安全措施不力、管理不到位等原因造成事故责任的,因此发生的所有赔偿费用、包括给施工人员或第三方人员造成财产或人身损害的,均由乙方承担,甲方不承担任何责任。 五.争议或纠纷处理 1. 本合同在履行期间,双方发生争议时,在不影响工程进度的前提下,双方可 协商解决。 2. 当事人不愿通过协商调解解决或协商调解不成时本合同在执行中发生的争议 双方同意可向甲方所在地法院提出诉讼解决。 六.保修 1. 本工程保修期为年 在保修期内,如有质量问题,在接到甲方通知后24小时内安排人员到现场进行免费维修。若乙方不能及时维修,甲方可委托他人维修,维修费用由乙方承担。 七.本合同未尽事宜,甲乙双方协商解决。本合同经双方签字和盖章后生效。本合同一式四份,甲方执份,乙方 甲方: 签字 电话: 甲方驻工地代表: 电话: 执份。 乙方: 签字 电话: 日期篇二:承揽合同范本 承揽合同 合同编号: 定做人:签订地点: 承揽人: 签订时间: 年 月 日 第一条 承揽项目、数量、报酬、支付期限(如空格不够,可另行添加)


Bonded Warehouse Cargo Storage Contract Number: pantos Logistics Number Date of Conclusion: Year Month Date Place of Conclusion: Ningbo Export Processing Zone Owner Unit (Party A): Storage Unit (Party B): Ningbo pantos Logistics Co., Ltd After friendly negotiation between Party A and Party B, they reach the following agreement on the issues about Party A entrusting Party B for cargo storage: I. For the ownership and all the due economic and legal responsibilities of Party A on the following cargo stored in the warehouse of Party B, they shall not be transferred to Party B because of the conclusion of this agreement. Party A ensures the conformity of the following declared cargo with the actual cargo, and the cargo is true and legal. Once the true situation doesn’t conform to the content declared to Customs and Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine Administration, Party A shall undertake all the responsibilities, irrelevant with Party B. If Party A is not an enterprise in Ningbo Export Processing Zone, it needs to take Party B as the nominal operation unit and receiving unit in the zone to go through all kinds of formalities in the office of Ningbo Bonded Area Customs in Export Processing Zone, but the rights and legal responsibilities of Party A and its appointed agent on the cargo remain unchanged. II. For the cargo of Party A entering the warehouse of Party B for the first time, it must inform Party B of the information such as the name, specification, HS code, part number and first measurement unit of the cargo. The bonded storage cargo recorded in admission to be stored in the warehouse this time shall subject to the expressed content of Warehousing Notice. III. After Party A and its appointed agent hold the unloading list signed and issued by the unit in the zone and warehouse entry loading list signed and issued by Party B to the customs pass for inspection, releasing and verifying the loading list, Party B can allow the entry of the cargo into the warehouse according to the loading list verified at the customs pass. If it needs actual warehousing operation, during the operation process, Party B shall have civilized loading and unloading, carefully count the quantity and have visual test on the external package quality. If it discovers quantity shortage, external package destroy or severe damage, it shall immediately notify Party A, carry out the next operation according to the instruction of Party A, and keep the record. After all the cargo enter the warehouse, Party A and its appointed agent shall submit one page of the warehouse entrance list that has been reported to customs for release and affixed the seal to Party B, as the foundation for cargo in stock. IV. If Party A asks to issue warehouse exit list, it must verify the voucher page of the original warehouse entrance list with Party B, and send out written direction. Party B can only issue the list according to the direction; for the legal consequence caused by the issuance of the list, except for the mistake and direct economic loss caused by Party B, it shall be undertaken by Party A or its appointed agent. V. When delivering the cargo, Party B needs to verify the warehouse exit list with the signature and seal of the customs, and deliver the cargo strictly according to the list. When the cargo is sent out of the pass, Party A and its appointed agent shall submit the exit loading list signed and issued by Party B to customs pass in duplicate, and return one copy of verified loading list to Party B. VI. For the above-norm destroy, loss or delivery mistake of the cargo in storage caused by the delinquency of the entrusted party, Party B shall notify Party A in time and render a report to the customs. Party B shall undertake the compensation responsibility of direct loss, and the compensation amount shall be calculated and paid by the insurance company of Party B with actual loss amount as the foundation, with the highest compensation amount as RMB100, 000 Yuan each time. For the exceeding part, Party A or the cargo owner shall take the responsibility by themselves. However, for the loss caused by the following three situations, Party B doesn’t need to undertake the compensation responsibility: The destroy caused by the check and sampling of the Customs and Quarantine and Inspection Service Administration according to the law; Unloading destroy of ordinary bulk cargo within reasonable degree (acceptable standard is 0.3%) During the storage period of the cargo in the warehouse, the qualitative variation or destroy of the cargo caused by its natural characteristics and so on. VII. To guarantee the normal operation of distribution service of Party B, Party A shall try its best to accurately estimate the consumption of the production material needed by the consignee in the zone, to avoid cargo stagnant in the warehouse. VIII. The expense involved in the contract period subjects to the price list of bonded logistics business (see the appendix list). Before the 3rd day each month, Party B shall send the list of all the expenses generated in the previous month to Party A by means of e-mail. Party A shall, within 3 working days, send the confirmation to Party B by means of facsimile, and hand over the original confirmation to Party B by means of express or in person. After Party B receives the confirmation from Party A, it shall, before the 10th day in the same month, issue the invoice to Party A by means of express or in person, and Party A shall settle the fund before the last working day in the same month. Before Party A’s cargo in the warehouse of Party B is delivered from the warehouse, it needs to settle all the expenses. IX. For the dispute arising in the fulfillment of this contract, the two parties shall try to solve it through negotiation; if they can not reach an agreement in negotiation, they can begin a suit in the local court of Party B. X. Unaccomplished matters of this contract shall be implemented according to relevant regulation in “Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China” and “Administrative Measures of Customs on Export Processing Zone in the People’s Republic of China”. When necessary, the two parties can conclude a supplementary contract with equal effect as the whole contract.

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