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COPYRIGHT TRANSFERRING AGREEMENT Memorandum of agreement is made this______ (day) o f______ (month) ______ (years) between______ (name and address of Chinese publisher) (hereinafter termed “ the Publisher”) of the one part, and______ (name and address of foreign publisher) (hereinafter termed “the Proprietor”) of the other part. Proprietor: Publisher: Date: Whereas the Proprietor is the proprietor of a work by______ (name of author) (hereinafter termed the Author) entitled: ______ (title of book), ______ (number) Edition (hereinafter termed the Work). 1. Items of Transferring Subject to the terms detailed in this Agreement, the Proprietor hereby transfer the right to produce and publish the Work in hardback / paperback volume form in the Chinese language (simplified characters) under the Publisher’s imprint (hereafter termed the Translation) for sale in the main land territory of the People’s Republic of China, including Hong Kong and Macao. The Publisher shall reproduce the Proprietor’ jacket design of the Work, make any use of the Proprietor’ logo, brands of colophon, on the condition of getting the prior written consent of the Proprietor. This Agreement also grants the rights in respect of subsequent editions of the Work. 2. Payment The Publisher shall make the following payments to the Proprietor, in accordance with this contract hereof, namely: The sum of US dollars______ payable on signature of this Agreement in advance and on account of any sums which may become due to the Proprietor under the terms of this Agreement. The said payment in advance is not recoverable in the event of any default by the Publisher in carrying out the terms of this Agreement. 3. Taxes On the Chinese retail price of all copies sold by the Publisher, wherever sold: A Royalty of ______ percent on the first______ copies sold; A Royalty of ______ percent on all copies sold between______ and ______ copies; A Royalty of ______ percent on all copies sold beyond the first______ copies. On remainder copies of the translation sold by the Publisher or below cost royalty shall be payable but no such remainder copies shall be sold within a period of two years from the date of the first publication of the translation.


模具保管协议 Mould Agreement 合同号/ Contract No. 甲方: (hereinafter “Party A”) 乙方: (hereinafter “Party B”) Individually called Party A and Party B respectively and/or the “Party” and together, called the “Parties”. 经过友好协商和在公平、平等的原则基础上,双方约定如下: After friendly consultations and proceeding on principles of fairness and equality, the Parties have agreed the following: 保管模具内容/Mould Info. 模具价格表/Mould Price List 模具名称 Mould Description 计量 数量 Quantity 单价(人民币) Unit Price(RMB) 总价(人民币) Total Price(RMB)   单位 Unit        ¥ ¥   

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