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篇一:XX个人借款合同英文翻译 code no.: 741 XX bank personal loan contract (version of XX) china citic bank corporation china citic bank chengdu branch borrower (hereinafter referred to as “party a”address:_________________________________________________________________________ lender (hereinafter referred to as “party b” mortgageraddress:_________________________________________________________________________ according to the relevant laws and regulations of the <contract law of the people’s republic of china>, <guarantee law of the people’s republic of china> (<guarantee law>), and <property law of the people’s republic of china> (<property law>), party a, party b and the relevant guarantor sign this contract upon equal consultation. article 1 amount of loan the amount of loan is referred to article 15.1 under this contract. article 2 purpose of loan and payee (scope) 2.1 purpose of loan for this contract is referred to article 15.2. during the term of loan, party a promises the loan under this contract shall not flow into stock market, futures market, be spent on equity investment or projects that are forbidden by laws and regulations of other countries to operate, or party a shall take on any loss brought to party b. 2.2 the payee for this contract (scope) is referred to article 15.3. article 3 interest of loan 3.1 interest of loan is referred to article 15.4. 3.2 during the term of this loan contract, interest may be changed as prescribed by the people’s bank of china, the adjust method of loan interest rate is referred to article 15.4. article 4 term of loan 4.1 the term of loan is referred to article 15.5. article 5 release and payment of the loan 5.1 except one or more of the following conditions are exempted by party b, otherwise, the preconditions for party b to issue the loan is all the following conditions are met: 5.1.1 party a provides the loan application and certificates required by party b; 5.1.2 party a fulfills the application procedures of loan and guarantee required by party b; 5.1.3 party a signs required legal documents of loan application, with check and approval of party b; 5.1.4 party a fulfills and signs the other procedures and relevant documents required by loan releasing of party b, with check and approval of party b. loan fund should be paid in strict accordance with the appointment stipulated in article 5.3 under this contract. party a is not allowed to change the mode and arrangement of payment. 5.3 the loan fund should be paid by the method of entrusted payment of party b. if party a applies for self-payment in particular cases, it shall need the verification and approval of party b. the specific appointment of the payment method is as follows: 5.3.1 entrusted payment of party b party a should apply for payment while using the loan, fill the appendix three: payment authorization/application (suitable for the condition of bank entrusted payment). party b verifies whether the relevant transaction documents and certificates provided by party a are in conformity with the contract before the payment of loan fund. with the verification and approval of party b, according to the payment entrustment of party a, party b shall deliver the loan fund that party a applies to pay to the account of party a’s trading object listed by party a in payment authorization/application(suitable for the condition of bank entrusted payment). 5.3.2 self-payment method by party a upon application by party a, party b shall agree to adopt self-payment method is involved in one of the following situations: (1) party a cannot confirm detailed transaction object in advance and the amount is less than rmb three hundred thousand yuan; (2) the transaction object of party b cannot valid use non-cash method for settlement; (3) loan fund used for production and operation and amount is less than rmb five hundred thousand yuan;


Contract for Works of Civil Engineering Construction 土木工程施工合同 This CONTRACT is made on the _th of_(month), _(year) by and between_(hereinafter called “Party A”) of the one part, and _(hereinafter called “Party B”) of the other part. _公司(以下简称“雇主”)与_公司(以下简称“承包商”)于_年_月_日特签订本合同。 WHEREAS 鉴于。。。 … NOW THEREFORE THIS CONTRACT WITNESSETH that it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 双方达成协议如下: civil engineering 土木工程 Chapter 1 Definitions and Interpretation Article 1 Definitions In the Contract (as hereinafter defined) the following words and expressions shall have the meanings hereby assigned to them, except where the context other requires: 定义 本合同(按下文所定义的)中的下列词和用语,除文中另有要求者外,应具有本条所赋予的含义: “employer” means the person named as such in this contract and the legal successors in title to such person, but not (except with the consent of the Contractor) any assignee of such person. “雇主”是指本合同所指明的当事人以及取得当事人资格的合法继承人,但除非承包商同意,不包括此当事人的任何受让人,本合同中的雇主为_(填入名称)。 “Contractor” means the person whose tender has been accepted by the Employer and the legal successors in title to such person but not (except with the consent of the Employer) any assignee of such person. 1.2承包商是指其标书已为雇主接受的当事人以及取得此当事人资格的合法继承人,但除非雇主同意,不指此当事人的任何受让人。本合同中的雇主为_(填入名称)。 “Subcontractor” means any person named in the Contract as a Subcontractor for a part of the Works or any person to whom a part of the works has been subcontracted with the consent of the engineer and the legal successors in title to such person, but not any assignee of any such person. 1.3“分包商”是指本合同中指定作为分包工程某一部分的分包商的任何当事人,或由工程师同意已将工程的某一部分分包给他的任何当事人以及取得该当事人资格的合法继承人,但不指此当事人的任何受让人。 “Engineer” means the person appointed by the employer to act as Engineer for the purpose of the Contract and named as such in this Contract. 1.4“工程师”是指雇主为本合同目的而指定作为工程师。本合同中的工程师是指_(填入名称)。 “Engineer Representative” means a person appointed from time to time by the engineer under clause 9.2. 1.5“工程师代表”是指工程师根据9.2条款随时指定的人员。 “Contract” means this Contract, the Specification, the Drawings, the Bill of Quantities, the Tender, the Letter of Acceptance, the Contract Agreement (if completed) and such further documents as may be expressly incorporated in the Letter of Acceptance or the Contract Agreement (if completed). 1.6“合同”是指合同,规范,图纸,工程量表,投标书,中标函,合同协议书以及其他明确列入中标函或合同协议书(如已完成)中的此类进一步的文件。 “Specification” means the Specification of the Works included in the Contract and modification thereof or addition thereto made under Clause 95 or submitted by the Contractor and approved by the engineer. 1.7”规范“是指合同中包括的工程规范,以及根据第95条规定的或由承包商提出并经工程师批准的对规范的任何修改或增补。 1.8 “Drawings”means all drawings, calculations and technical information of a like nature provided by the engineer to the contractor under the contract and all drawings, calculations, samples, patterns, models, operation and maintenance manuals and other technical information of a like nature submitted by the contractor and approved by the engineer. technical information of a like nature 类似性质的技术资料 。。。。submitted by A and approved by B 由A提供并经B同意 1.8 图纸是指工程师根据合同向承包商提供的所有图纸,计算书和类似性质的技术资料,以及由承包商提供并经工程师批准的所有图纸,计算书,样品,图样,模型,操作和维修手册以及类似性质的技术资料 。 1.9 “Bill of Quantities” means the priced and completed bill of quantities forming of the tender. 1.9 工程量表是指构成投标书一部分的已标价的以及完成的工程量表。 the priced bill of quantities forming of the tender 构成投标书的已标价的 1.10 “Tender” means the contractor’s priced offer to the employer for the execution and completion of the works and the remedying of any defects therein Article 26 contract agreement. 1.10 “投标书”是指承包商根据合同的各项规定,为工程的实施,完成和任何缺陷的修补,向雇主提出并为中标函接受的报价书。 for the execution and completion of the works and the remedying of any defects 为工程的实施,完成和任何缺陷的修补


海洋运输货物保险条款(附英文) 一、责任范围 本保险分为平安险、水渍险及一切险三种。被保险货物遭受损失时,本保险按照保险单上订明承保险别的条款规定,负赔偿责任。 (一)平安险 本保险负责赔偿: 1、被保险货物在运输途中由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水自然灾害造成整批货物的全部损失或推定全损。当被保险人要求赔付推定全损时,须将受损货物及其权利委付给保险公司。被保险货物用驳船运往或运离海轮的,每一驳船所装的货物可视作一个整批。推定全损是指被保险货物的实际全损已经不可避免,或者恢复、修复受损货物以及运送货物到原订目的地的费用超过该目的地的货物价值。 2、由于运输工具遭受搁浅、触礁、沉没、互撞、与流冰或其他物体碰撞以及失火、爆炸意外事故造成货物的全部或部份损失。 3、在运输工具已经发生搁浅、触礁、沉没、焚毁意外事故的情况下,货物在此前后又在海上遭受恶劣气候、雷电、海啸等自然灾害所造成的部份损失。 4、在装卸或转运时由于一件或数件整件货物落海造成的全部或部份损失。 5、被保险人对遭受承保责任内危险的货物采取抢救、防止或减少货损的措施而支付的合理费用,但以不超过该批被救货物的保险金额为限。 6、运输工具遭遇海难后,在避难港由于卸货所引起的损失以及在中途港,避难港由于卸货,存仓以及运送货物所产生的特别费用。 7、共同海损的牺牲、分摊和救助费用。 8、运输契约订有“船舶互撞责任”条款,根据该条款规定应由货方偿还船方的损失。 (二)水渍险 除包括上列平安险的各项责任外,本保险还负责被保险货物由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水自然灾害所造成的部份损失。 (三)一切险 除包括上列平安险和水渍险的各项责任外,本保险还负责被保险货物在运输途中由于外来原因所致的全部或部分损失。 二、除外责任 本保险对下列损失不负赔偿责任: (一)被保险人的故意行为或过失所造成的损失。 (二)属于发货人责任所引起的损失。 (三)在保险责任开始前,被保险货物已存在的品质不良或数量短差所造成的损失。 (四)被保险货物的自然损耗、本质缺陷、特性以及市价跌落;运输迟延所引起的损失或费用。 (五)本公司海洋运输货物战争险条款和货物运输罢工险条款规定的责任范围和除外责任。 三、责任起讫 (一)本保险负“仓至仓”责任,自被保险货物运离保险单所载明的起运地仓库或储存处所开始运输时生效,包括正常运输过程中的海上、陆上、内河和驳船运输在内,直至该项货物到达保险单所载明目的地收货人的最后仓库或储存处所或被保险人用作分配、分派或非正常运输的其他储存处所为止。如末抵达上述仓库或储存处所,则以被保险货物在最后卸载港全部卸离海轮后满六十天为止。如在上述六十天内被保险货物需转运到非保险单所载 明的目的地时,则以该项货物开始转运时终止。 (二)由于被保险人无法控制的运输延迟、绕道、被迫卸货、重行装载、转载或承运人运用运输契约赋予的权限所作的任何航海上的变更或终止运输契约,致使被保险货物运到非保险单所载明目的地时,在被保险人及时将获知的情况通知保险人,并在必要时加缴保险费的情况下,本保险仍继续有效,保险责任按下列规定终止。 1、被保险货物如在非保险单所载明的目的地出售,保险责任至交货时为止,但不论任何情况下,均以被保险货物在卸载港全部卸离海轮后满六十天为止。 2、被保险货物如在上述六十天期限内继续运往保险单所载原目的地或其他目的地时,保险责任仍按上述第(一)款的规定终止。 四、被保险人的义务 被保险人应按照以下规定的应尽义务办理有关事项,如因未履行规定的义务而影响保险人利益时,本公司对有关损失,有权拒绝赔偿。 (一)当被保险货物运抵保险单所载明的目的港(地)以后,被保险人应及时提货,当发现被保险货物遭受任何损失,应即向保险单上所载明的检验、理赔代理人申请检验,如发现被保险货物整件短少或有明显残损痕迹应即向承运人、受托人或有关当局(海关、港务当局等)索取货损货差证明。如果货损货差是由于承运人、受托人或其他有关方面的责任所造成,并应以书面方式向他们提出索赔,必要时还须取得延长时效的认证。


Construction Contract 工 程 合 同 PO No.: XXXXXXX Buyer:. Date of signature: 甲方: 签约日期: Seller: 乙方: This Purchase Order is made by and between the Buyer and the Seller: Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under mentioned commodity according to the terms and conditions stipulated below: 甲乙双方经友好协商,一致就供应下列产品,达成如下条款: 1. Scope of Supply and Price 工作范围及价格明细 ItemNo.序号 Codes & Standard 材料规格型号 Qty 数量 Unit 单位 Unit Price (RMB) 单价(元) Total Price (RMB) 总金额(元)  1 Item, etc. 材料 16530 KG 2.90 47,937.00  2 Item, etc. 材料 5070 KG 4.80 

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